KW C500

KW C500 Custom

KW C500 Custom mod para American truck simulator 

Versiones Actuales  Soporte Para Dx11

Kenworth C500 para American truck simulator  este gran modelo se baso en un modelo real  trae multiples accesorios para conbinar tu vehiculo y template para crear tus skin a gusto, a medida que las sugerencias van llegando se van a implementado mas accessorios a futuras descargas

Dudas Soporte:


  • American truck simulator

Version del juego:

  • 1.53
  • Dx11

Version del MOD:

  • V 2.4

Mods usados

Luces: Luces

Ruedas: Wheel pack

Accesorios: DLC TOYS: 


Average rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars
4 reviews
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4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
  • C500

    Schöner Truck. Macht Spaß damit zu fahren. Weiter so und bitte mehr von diesen Trucks

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  • C500

    Nice truck. It’s fun to drive. Keep it up and please more of these trucks

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  • C500

    What a awesome mod. Couldn’t be happier with the detail and customization. I highly recommend it!!!!!

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  • c500

    love the truck and the last truck i got but the c500 needs more options like cb antennas. andc side marker lights and air filter lights other then that great mod

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    • love this truck ben looking for a tow truck

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